Message from the CEO

We Sweeten the Future to Open Hearts. We Sweeten the Future to Open Hearts.

President and Representative Director : Tetsuya Murata

For the long period of over 110 years since our founding in 1912, we have been a manufacturer of candy, offering products and services in response to both the changing times and the needs of our customers.Also, we would like to thank all of our stakeholders who supported and encouraged us through those years.

We have also seen significant changes in peoples’ lifestyles and their values, in part due to elements like the pandemic and changes in international affairs.Moreover, it is precisely because we are experiencing these uncertain times with changes occurring at an unprecedented speed, that we believe it is becoming more important that companies ponder what their roles in society should be.Against this backdrop, we have formulated our corporate purpose with the goal of putting into words our aspirations for the future, with that purpose being: “We Sweeten the Future to Open Hearts.”

To create the future that we are aiming for, we formulated “Kanro Vision 2030” as the compass we are using to steer our company as we continue moving forward with our eyes on 2030 and engage in business activities to realize that vision.This year, 2024, is the final year of our Medium-term Corporate Strategy 2024 that will firmly set in place the realization of this long-term vision.While we aspire to be a “purpose-driven company that contributes to a sustainable future for our society and its people” as set forth in our Medium-term Corporate Strategy, we will overcome challenges in the severe external environment, respond flexibly to changes in markets and the business environment, and pursue cost reductions and improved profitability in order to achieve continuous growth.

As we plan on persistently implementing each of our measures, one by one, to earn the ongoing encouragement from all our stakeholders, we ask that you continue your support in the future.

Tetsuya Murata
President and CEO, Kanro Inc.

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