Message from the CEO

President and Representative Director : Kazuyasu Misu

We celebrated the 111th anniversary of our founding in November 2023.Since our founding, we have been a manufacturer of candy, offering products and services in response to both the changing times and the needs of our customers.Also, we would like to thank all of our stakeholders who supported and encouraged us through those years.


In the fiscal year 2023, amid a business environment with an uncertain outlook and changes occurring faster than ever, we promoted management centered on our corporate purpose formulated in 2022: “We Sweeten the Future to Open Hearts.”We have established “embody the corporate purpose” and “improve profitability” as our management policy, and have worked to respond to trends, such as changes in consumer behavior and values due to changes in the external environment, while also taking measures to respond to rising raw material and energy prices by improving efficiency, streamlining production and implementing price revision.As a result, net sales during the fiscal year 2023 increased by ¥3,897 million (15.5%) year on year to ¥29,015 million. Profits also increased significantly, reaching a record high.


The fiscal year 2024 is the final year of our Medium-term Corporate Strategy 2024 that will firmly set in place the achievement of the long-term vision, “Kanro Vision 2030.”While we aspire to be a “purpose-driven company that contributes to a sustainable future for our society and its people” as set forth in our Medium-term Corporate Strategy, we will overcome challenges in the severe external environment, respond flexibly to changes in markets and the business environment, and pursue cost reductions and improved profitability in order to achieve continuous growth.


As we plan on persistently implementing each of our measures, one by one, to earn the ongoing encouragement from all our stakeholders, we ask that you continue your support in the future.


Tetsuya Murata
April 2024

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